My Way:

Boston Globe:

Stratfor: strategic forecasting

Campaign Desk: Columbia U j-school critique of campaign journalism

Center for Democracy and Technology:


Argmax: Economic News, Data and Analysis

EPI: Research and Ideas for Working People

Global Economic Forum: The latest views of Morgan Stanley Economists

John H. Makin: AEI Resident Scholar, Director of Fiscal Policy Studies

USB Investment Bank Economic Research

Between the Hedges: Portfolio Manager's blog


VentureBlog: A Random Walk Down Sand Hill Road


A Networked World: Earl Mardle's blog

Joel on Software: Joel Spolsky

Ask Joel: discussion board

I Cringely: Bob Cringely / PBS technology and culture

O'reilly: blogs

itcon: it in construction

Virtual Quill: Dave Kearns

Corante: Kling, more Weinberger, Shirky et al, Blankenhorn, and more

delicious: links


Kerry/Bush: side-by-side

Afghan Voice:

Whiskey Bar: Billmon

The Raitt Stuff: Dipping a toe into the murky waters of unqualified commentary

Joho: Dave Weinberger's blog

American Prospect: blog

Progress Report: updates from The Center for American Progress

Common Dreams: news and views

First Monday: peer-reviewed journal on the internet

Doc Searls: weblog

Unlearned Hand:

The Curmudgeonly Clerk:

The Volokh Conspiracy:

STUFF the milk

Oblique Strategies: Openly resist change

pif: magazine

mousetrap racers:

apples: kill the inner child

hand puppets:

delicious: links

hamlet: uses a technology of unsurpassed advancement - the English language - to project the images directly into your imagination

Hotel de L'Orange: Sommiere, France

Explore Cornell: high quality science & tech pages

Photoshop: for photographers

Presurfer: daily dose of diversion

things magazine: about objects

outside the box: variety

Optical Illusions: & visual phenomenon

213 Admonitions: Skippy is a bad boy

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