Switch: e-zine-list (this is also a dead site, as of May 2003)
Gibbleguts: cartoons and flash humor
justfunnypictures: amusing and odd photos
funny-spot: jokes
Photo Cartoonist: greeting card stuff; pretty standard
BoovieToons: cartoon puns on movies
InsanePictures: shilling posters

Seems like joke and cartoon sites are alive and well. Also seems like a lot of recycled and cross-posted content. Lots of flashing ads.
Above Ground Testing: poetry. home page a long to load.
Ralph: not sure. self-promotion, music, graphics
Martin Raskovksy: pictures. words. interesting link list
Dark Thoughts: poetry. annoying blue type on black
The Abyssinian Prince: on the game of Diplomacy. part of the Diplomatic Pouch domain
Access Mexico Connect: lots for gringo Mexico-philes
Acid Logic: ironic and iconic. interesting link list
web attack: acid logic of the web and technology
My so-called Penis: an acid logic blog
ALGathafi: official site of Muammar Gadafi
Active Reviewing: formalized learning from experience
Add Me: site promotion
Goth.com.au: Australian goth. interesting action figures
A Small Garlic Press: non-profit poetry publishing. site says current, last chapbook in 2002. extensive links.
The Abyss: as of 2000
The Realm of Shade: the main site seems to be active
Aesclepian Chronicles: as of 2001
AaBye's Baby
ABC's Smartzine: Helping small business to succeed on-line
A Writer's Choice Literary Journal
Absolutely Free Webmaster Tools
Absurdtimes: bogus search/selling
The Absurd Times News Tribune
Acid-free Paper
Ad Nauseum Aeher
Afghannews.com: bogus search/selling
After Images
AfterNoon Magazine
Agape Forum
Porn Trap:
Acme Poets and Plumbing Supply Company, Ltd.