Taosim is not religion. Religion is an organized set of beliefs that tend
to cast the world in black and white. Heaven and Hell. Good and Evil. With
us or against us.
Religion focuses on an external Force as the giver of wisdom and truth.
Each religion believes its Force is the one and only true Force. You can
pay your money to the 700 Club and buy favor with the One and Only True
God. Or you can martyr yourself by blowing up Jews and and be surrounded
by umpteen virgins in the Heaven of Mahomet. (What are the women martyrs
surrounded by?) Yet it's the same god of Abraham that
these religions believe in, and they've been killing each other in the
name of that god for millenia.
Taoism accepts that the universe is a vast array of colors, shades and
hues. Real truth is not to be found in speculation and external, mystical
forces. Truth is found in the reality of the universe as it is.
The way to see that truth is to strip away delusions, prejudices, and
false reasoning. The methods of taoism are those of clearing your mind of
these bad habits through meditation and improving your internal workings
through proper exercise, movement and diet. In this way, the ability of
the human organism is maximized and becomes capable of seeing the beauty
of the universe directly.
The goal is to see the universe as it is, not through the shrouds of
supernatural beliefs and superstitions.