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Sad: Reactions |
Sunday, March 23, 2003 | ||
Below are the written comments I've received from my Sad piece. I think that this gets us to the same place of total hopelessness and sadness, but one huge (i think generational) difference: I never thought that the lion would lie down with the lamb, and the seeming indifference of young people is just total frustration of their impotence. What is there to do? And that's not a dismissive question, but one that to me is that there really is nothing to do. Talking, demonstrating, the democratic process doesn't fucking work. We had a coup d'etat and there was nothing we could do. I find that I don't even have opinions on many issues not because I don't care or I'm being relativistic, but I don't trust for a second the information that is available to me, even if I searched. And again, what is there to do? I do not believe that I live in a democracy. I heard on the television the other day some MP talking about how they had a responsibility to vote a certain way, even though it was against their own opinion, because they were trying to represent those that had elected him. And I was startled. Maybe it was lip service, maybe it wasn't, but I realised that I had not even entertained that our members of congress should think like that, because it's so clear to me that that isn't the agenda. And they have agendas.... So yes, I'm sad because I really really think that there's nothing to be done. And I want there to be, and I want to be able to believe for one second something my government tells me. But who's gonna take out our regime? Even if we got rid of Bush that would do no good. Even if the whole white house changed, there's still the other gov't agencies to contend with. There's an old boys club like I could never even imagine the ramifications of.... xo
I think that there is such a thing as a American spirit, but it is more than an ideal. It has been an actual force since our colonial times, which, being molded from historical conditions particular to the North American continent, has manifested itself in energy, creativity, and the insistence on individual freedom (which is why we have a 2nd Amendment). This force has had a worldwide impact, as symbolized, e.g., by the Statue of Liberty. Nevertheless, this unique American spirit has always been in competition with other forces seeking control and domination of individuals. This is what the American Revolution was fought over, as well as the Civil War and countless other struggles in our history. Therefore, the notion that we can be a republic and imperialistic at the same time is, to me, not a contradiction. This republic’s first imperialistic expression (not counting the genocide committed against native Americans) was probably the Mexican War. The next significant occurrence was the Spanish-American War. Nevertheless, the American spirit persisted in advancing the welfare of people generally, through struggles, like those against the robber barons of the 19th century and against McCarthyism in the 1950s. Jumping to today, we find our self in trouble times. The American spirit is not really dead as it may appear but it is being suppressed by extremely powerful forces of greed, repression and domination of world-wide markets. This trend has become a dominant feature of our present society because of successful efforts at controlling media (e.g., GE owns and controls media and produces weapons of mass destruction (whatever that means) at the same time, indoctrination starting at a very early age, trying to convince people of how good they have it compared to the rest of the world (ignoring how much better we should have it but for the siphoning of funds into the military-industrial complex and the skimming of wealth off the top by a few), etc. The clique of whom you refer (take Powell, for example, as a pure opportunist, one of the persons who was involved in attempting to cover up the My Lai massacre) have a job to do, which is not in the interest of the vast majority of Americans or the people of the world. This can be a depressing realization. But, on the other hand, I am taking heart as our government’s motives and judgment are being more and more questioned. Thus, I believe, that as the sorrowful events proceed in Iraq (which is only the current example), what we will also experience is the awakening of the dormant American spirit to take on tyranny once again. Time will tell. Regards,
I too should have seen it coming. Although, can we blame this administration alone for clarifying what has been happening, albeit in a more covert way, for decades? Bush is merely a symptom, and is simply one of the first presidents (in my memory) who is not embarrassed by America's growing imperialism. Clearly out of touch when he says "they hate our freedoms." As Bin Laden said in his letter to America, they want us to stop destroying third world nations with our corporate expansionism. (see Vandana Shiva for examples...) What they do hate is our freedom to pillage and destroy third world livlihoods and environments, by bribing their governments, with WTO and World Bank approval. Perhaps YOUR rosy world has changed, but the way I see it, it's business as usual. I hope I'm wrong too. regards,
Well, if any any nation is going to enforce a peace through might, I would prefer it to to be one who keeps its people in a state of sedated compliance. At least while the American Empire stretches its greedy fingers into the honey pots of the world, we can watch some good shows on TV. Forget about war, If Gandolfini drops his suit, will the Sopranos be on again next season? David
I usually don't respond but get a grip. Do you think we've advanced that far from the 2001 Apes around the waterhole? This is an old fashioned war. We role up to the gates and say, "Give us your money and your women and we'll kill you quickly." Actually the true idiots are the intelligensia and politically correct acamedicians who pursue logic as the way of the world. Our brains are no match for our out of control technology and out of control spleens. Upon reflection - What do you do when a culture declars a holy war on you? And then bombs you to show they're not kidding about it. Engage the fight or flight mechanism. In this case we fight. Maybe next time we take flight. Stay safe and try to enjoy your life. There will always be pain, but we can control the amount of suffering as the Budhists are inclined to say. Dan
a beautiful sentiment, artfully crafted - but dude this is the status quo taken to new heights - we continue to be pawns in a plan, a plan we have been led to believe we can influence, but in reality have none. david
Hey Amo - Hang tough. It won't be much longer until we have a new pres. Unfortunately, he or she will have a tough job and a lot of bridges to repair worldwide. It can happen. Eric
[Either I know a lot of guys named David, or guys named David respond more than others :-) ]
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