Tips and Tricks
Friday, September 27, 2002  

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Darren Collins's Pool-Room
TK's CityDesk Help Reference

Draft Documents
As a rule, I don't publish an article until I've had a chance to review it a day or two later. While the article is still in draft status, I click the Never Publish After checkbox and set the date to any date previous to the current computer clock date. When the article is ready to publish, I uncheck the box.

Email javascript
Here's a little something I picked up -- a quick piece of javascript to generate a mailto: for email addresses. It's meant to hide email addresses from spambots.

<script language=javascript>
var x1 = "amos";
var x2 = "";
document.write("<a class=" + "menu" + " href=" + "ma" + "ilto:" + x1 + "@" + x2 + ">Contact</a>")