Site Map -- from CD Discussion
Sunday, February 16, 2003  

[link to Discussion]
You can't get to the folder name. Your best bet is:

  1. Create a site_map folder.
  2. In that folder, create one article for each folder you want indexed. The headline should be the title of the section and the body article is a loop that brings in the titles (& teaser) of every article in that folder. If you have 5 folders, you'll have 5 articles.
  3. In your root directory, create a "Site Map" article. This article will loop in the headline & body of all of site_map articles.

Minimally, it should look like this:

{$foreach x in (folder "site_map") $}

This "Site Map" article should be a passable sitemap of your site.
Sunday, February 16, 2003

(This one is less a site map and more a directory based on keyword. An interesting approach, a pre-cooked search, if you will.)

[link to Discussion]
I think this site map is more all inclusive than you want but I guess you could use keywords somehow to limit articles in the map.

We use this one so that the author and I can keep from going nuts and in hopes that a better way to organize the site will occur to us.

Only main articles appear here. It includes standalone articles and CityScript pages for multi-chapter articles. That might meet your requirement, "I would only want that initial article to appear in the sitemap"

I'm sure folks have some clever ideas.

Saturday, January 25, 2003