ASP Journal Setup
Sunday, December 22, 2002  

Though I really like CityDesk, there is a frustration that it's only a client-side application. This means, of course, that I've got to be at my PC to update my site. Most of the time, this is just fine. There are, however, certain things that I want to do no matter where I am, and so I want some server-side capabilities.

First on my list was an application to capture notes about my readings as I wander around the web. I'm notorious for remembering factoids, but not remembering where I read them -- can't quote the source, down goes the credibility.

I found an .asp blogging app at one of the repositories. Now when I run across something I want to reference, I can paste the quote, the source and link, and my notes into a browser form. This thing also has a comments-feedback capability. Here's what it looks like integrated into my site.

(I'm in the process of modifying it so that there are two fields for entries per item, not just one -- one for the quote, one for my notes. I'm also going to put it on the intranet at work for problem resolution documentation. If you're interested in looking at it when I'm done, drop me a line.)

To set it up in CityDeck:

  • Open a new .html article and name it <filename>.asp
  • Copy a template into <filename>.asp
  • Remove all article-generated placeholders, such as {$.body$}. Variable placeholders are fine.
  • Enter text into the page where the article variables used to be, such as a headline
  • Reference the home page of the application with an include statement

<!--#inlcude file="notes/journal_inc.asp"-->

  • ftp the .asp app to your server. As long as the server can handle .asp pages, you can put the files anywhere you want. Of course, do not change the directory structure of the application itself.
  • Publish the your site. 

Because most of the design elements on my site are called by variables, particularly the menus, they all appear properly on the page.

Caveat: because this is not an Article, it is not tied to the template. It is only a copy of the template. Any change in the template will NOT be reflected in this page layout.